thalia hoffman film art

عطر עטרה a guava scent collection

Installation and Performance 2017-ongoing

A Guava Scent Collection is a installation and performances which connects between memory, imagination and scent in regard to locality and residentship, adding and problematizing questions concerning the ‘right’ to live on this conflicted land.

The scents are extracted through a process of vaporization and condensation of water and oils. This type of process was chosen as it is one of the earliest and most elementary ways to collect scents using merely the basic elements of water and heat. The simple process of extraction will allow later on in the development of the collection to be potentially used by anyone anywhere.

During exhibition periods performances of  the extraction take place along side open conversations stimulated by the sense of smell.

The collection was first initiated and supported as part of the exhibition "Self Collecting" curated by Yael Messer at Beit HaGefen gallery, Haifa.